Friday, April 1, 2011

Home.. UPDATE!

SCRATCH that last post! UPDATE! I'm going home! when you ask? why this month of coarse! to be exact Rachel and I will be traveling up to Farmington the weekend of the 15th to help my little sister get ready for Prom. Rachel the hairstylist will obviously be doing Stevie's hair! (Thanks again Rachel!!! BFFF) and I will be doing her make-up.. yay!! I feel really bad for Rachel because its not like its going to be the funnest trip ever but she will get to experience a lil bit of my home! yay! I'm gonna take her to my absolute FAVORITE restaurant SI SENORS... yeah its basically the best EVER! (In my personal opinion) basically that's all I have planned, besides it being a horribly long drive to drive after work... Its gonna be rough, but fun! I'm super excited about it because I've been super homesick lately! SO FUN! Super excited! Yeah! yay! HOME SWEET HOME... SOON! -Aubs

1 comment:

Joe & Tanith Applegate said...

and i am way super excited too! lol cuz im aubry sick!