Wednesday, April 13, 2011

scratch that! REVERSE!

It has been brought to my attention that In my previous post "Holy busy days batman" I said that I had nothing to do in the month of May.. I LIED!
I can't believe I forgot one of the MOST important things I have going on!


Holy Moses! My lil baby sister is graduating. making me feel SO Old! I mean really?!

Anyways I'm so happy Stevie is graduating I think we all know its been a long, tough road with Stevie and I but she and I are (currently :P) the Best of Sisters! :) All three of us Holgate's girls are Fully AWESOME!

I AM SO PROUD of my lil Sister! she is such a Stinker but I STINKING LOVE HER. She is so fun and so random and I luv it!

YAY for Stevie and YAY for graduating... the only question left is


1 comment:

Joe & Tanith Applegate said...

yep! that is right! that was me! lol